Saturday, September 1, 2012

#AugustWritingChallenge - Future - Day 31

So, this is the end of my epic journey; the #AugustWritingChallenge is almost over.

In the past several months, I have spent a lot of time thinking  about what the future will hold. I've decided that I can't figure it all out right now. I'm starting to get a much clearer picture of my desired career path, still not completely clear yet though. I got confused and thought that the life I am currently living was going to be what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life. #depressing
Then I realized that isn't true. Change is on the horizon, oh look at me liking change; y'all know that's rare.

In an attempt to focus more on what I love I've decided to commit more to this blog and making it great. So things may start to change in the following months. I want to streamline my focus to my love of literature. I am a self proclaimed bibliophile. In the future, my posts will focus more on what I'm reading more so than anything else; I'll share the ones I love and maybe some of those I don't. It will be similar to my Emma Watson and Wizard of Oz posts but better. Yay!

There will also be a new logo and all types of fun things. Stay tuned! And please hang in there with me.

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