Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Subway Sandwich Theory

As you all know I attend Howard University. What most of us don't learn until we get here is that Howard is a lot like a big high school. Gossip travels like wild fire and everyone has an opinion about every other person's life. A good friend of mine and fellow blogger Natalie Neilson (Grace [Nat]urally) and I were in Subway one day and I asked the guy to put 5, yes 5, banana peppers on my sandwich. Everyone thought "Ok, Dilane you're being extra." My response was simply, "It's my Subway sandwich! I'm paying for it and it's my prerogative to have as many or as few banana peppers as I desire. When its your turn to make your sandwich, it is your prerogative to have it any way you desire."

We then realized the this "my subway sandwich" theory is applicable in just about all facets of life. People are so concerned with what everyone else is doing, not doing, and dating. In my opinion, it's best that we worry about our own lives. That's their Subway sandwich. Stay out of it! Worry about what you are doing and who you are dating.

I think the world would be a better place if everyone just focused on themselves, not in a selfish way, but in a "I should not have my nose in everyone's business" way. At the same time if someone decides to share something with you and asks for your help then by all means share; however, just because someone is your friend does not invite you to get involved in all their affairs. Their classes, responsibilities, and boyfriends/girlfriends are just that...THEIRS!

I talk to my G-mama (granny) all the time. She always asks me about my cousins, what they doing and why. I always tell her, "G-mama I can only tell you what I'm doing." Because that is the truth. I make it a point in my life to make sure that I do the best I can for me. Hopefully, others are smart enough to do the same.

It is not our place to tell others how to live their life. What do y'all think? Do you agree?

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