Monday, October 15, 2012

"To Read" List: Desdemona by Toni Morrison.

I'm so used to not having free time on my hands. Without school, my evenings and weekends are pretty much free. I do a lot more reading than I've done in the past. For a while now I've been working on getting through, "The Complete Series of Oz." It's a lot though. I've only gotten through like five of the thirteen books. Not to mention the, literal, stacks of newspapers and magazines sitting on my floor at home and on my desk at work.

Today I learned some very exciting literary news via Goodreads. Howard University alumna, Toni Morrison, has written a new novel, "Desdemona." Yep, that's right. The Nobel Laureate has re-imagined the heroine from Shakespeare's, "Othello." In this novel, Desdemona speaks from the grave on issues of race, class, and gender. "Desdemona" is the second novel from Morrison this year; "Home" was released in May of this year.

The cover of Toni Morrison's new novel, "Desdemona."

I, for one, am very excited about "Desdemona." As I get older, I appreciate her work more and more. Now both of her new books are on my "to read" list. Hopefully, I'll get through them before the year is over.

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