Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Made: Covering the President

I was honored to be selected to cover President Obama's speech at the annual Associated Press Luncheon. The Newspaper Association of America arranged for students to cover its annual conference including the AP Luncheon. I was the student chosen from Howard. It was a dream come true. I live tweeted from my account during the speech. My fingers were flying in an attempt to accurately quote the President on Twitter.
My White House Press Badge, yay! 

The President used the speech to launch into his platform for his 2012 agenda. The speech first pointed out the flaws in the new Republican budget. He then walked the audience through his own budget and all the reasons it better served the American public. Below is my timeline with quotes from the president including the hashtag #NAAmXc.

The pictures below are just for my personal collection. I had to use my phone; the secret service didn't clear me to use my camera. 😥

I was much too far away to take pictures of the
President himself but I could see the screens.

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